Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

UpScoop Melon Ice Cream

Smile Melon – Melon Growers Network in Ayudhaya Province Thailand. Over 500 cooperatives situated around historical scenic tourist biking and hiking routes with community centers. Growers sell 80% of output to retailers with 20% leftover that is made into juice and other melon products for sale.
Led project by approaching melon growers with idea of turning unsold melons into ice cream to increase income for community. Researched ice cream recipe and taught growers at community center to produce home made ice cream for sale branded UpScoop. Designed packaging and logo. Started sales to visitors at center and at local food trucks. Negotiated free space for ice cream booth at community food fair for launch and found space at 3 locations at supermarkets in Bangkok for trial sales. Worked with community members on social media marketing plan to increase sales and visitors to center.
